Shipping & Delivery

How long do handling, shipping, and delivery take?

Most items are usually shipped within 3-5 working days. (Note: The delivery time of pre-sale products is subject to the arrival time.)

What shipping service do you use?

Amazon functions as our logistics partner to ship out Tecweld products. They will choose the carrier that they think works best for our customers.

Something is wrong with my order. How do I get in touch?

Please contact our support team with your oder number starting with support@tecweld.cn, our team will assist you promptly.

How do I change or cancel the order?

Please contact our support team with details via support@tecweld.cn, our support gagent will assist you with the change.

Note: All changes or cancellation should be made within 1 day of the order time. Or the change or cancellation will not be available if it is already handover to warehouse. If it is too late to cancel, customer will need to shoulder the shipping cost to return the product.

How do I track my order delivery?

A shipping confirmation email will be sent to you, you could track with it.

My package says delivered, but I didn’t receive it.

Please contact our support team with details via support@tecweld.cn, they will assist you to solve the issue with the express.

What are your return and refund policy?

More details for return and refund policy are available via  Refund Policy.